digital content

Ireland on the Fly Mayfly Tactics Masterclass

Continuing on from its hugely successful opening Masterclass in March, Ireland on the Fly, the leading fly fishing podcast, has announced its follow-up Masterclass on Mayfly Tactics at 8pm on Thursday 25th April.

Jackie Mahon, the international angler, guide and renowned fly tyer, will be presenting the Masterclass on tactics and set-up to make the most out of your mayfly fishing.

Plus, there will be a live audience question and answer section with Jackie and each attendee will get a copy of Jackie’s notes and access to the recording afterwards.

To register for the event just go to:

Stay tuned for our masterclasses throughout 2024, covering salmon, rivers, loughs, streamers, lures, dries – everything to make you a better salmon or trout fly angler, helping you to catch more this year and learn from the best.

For more information email us on

Teagasc Forestry Conference

LastCast Media was recently hired to produce the video content for a recent Teagasc Forestry conference for distribution on YouTube and

The Teagasc conference was in association with Maynooth University and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) on ‘Pine Weevil Integrated Pest Management’.

It was an information-led day with insights and advice from speakers in academia and Teagasc and also featured a live Zoom presentation from the UK.

Each individual speaker was then edited and available for watching back as well as the conference overall.

To find out more about digital video services to reach a wider audience online and to allow attendees catch up afterwards, contact us on

Teagasc Virtual National Tillage Conference 2022 Launches as a Digital Webinar

Teagasc’s Virtual National Tillage Conference for 2022 was launched with production by LastCast Media.

Streaming via Zoom, YouTube and Facebook to over 600 participants, this first session of the National Tillage Conference follows on from a hugely successful virtual event in 2021.

The second part of the Tillage Conference will continue, online, on Thursday 27th January and you can register for the event here:

Look out for the podcast version of this event which will focus on the informative q&a sessions and will be released as part of the Tillage Edge podcast next week.

Teagasc's National Crops Forum


LastCast Media was delighted to produce the virtual 2021 National Crops Forum for Teagasc this year.

Held over two mornings in September, the forum hosted a range of industry experts and Teagasc speakers on a range of topics from markets prospects for grains, disease resistance in cereals to trapping nitrate losses from tillage farms and tillage and carbon farmers, the future.

Each session was a registered event with hundreds of attendees watching via Zoom, YouTube or the Facebook channel and interacting through with live Q&As.

A replay of the National Crops Forum can be viewed at: